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Cooperation Partners


AHEAD is cooperating with different network partners. Offical cooperations on a project level exist with the following companies:


MArS - Market Access & Pricing Strategy

MArS is a specialized consulting agency in the health care market access area with a special focus and experience in the following three key areas:


  • Market access & pricing as well as global clinical development strategies from a health care payer's perspective in the various lifecycle stages of a product (Phase I-Phase IV).

  • German market access strategies and implementation for pharmaceuticals (AMNOG: German Law for Reforming the Market for Pharmaceuticals) and medical devices.

  • Austrian market access strategies and implementation for parmaceuticals


Contact: Stefan Walzer, General Manager; E-mail:


Econ-Epi stands for high-quality research, consulting and training services in the field of health economics and epidemiology. Set up by York Zöllner and Ralf Reintjes, Professors of health economics and epidemiology, respectively, Econ-Epi offers its combined expertise to public and private sector organizations, with a focus on the following services:


  • Research: Epidemiological and economic modeling (infection transmission, cost of illness, budget impact, cost-effectiveness).

  • Consulting: Clinical and health economic study design (observational and interventional), methodological advice, product profile testing, market trend analysis.

  • Training: HTA methods and applications, Good Clinical Practice, German healthcare system.


Contact: Prof. Dr. York F. Zöllner, Email:


CAVA - Center for Applied Value Analysis


The Center for Applied Value Analysis (CAVA) is the leader in web-based Comparative Cost-Effectiveness analytics and clinical change management services.  CAVA helps US Hospitals and International Medical-Surgical Device and Pharmaceutical industry clients leverage our powerful online, proprietary analytics  to objectively quantify the comparative, head-to-head, total value  of medical-surgical devices, medications, and technologies. CAVA physicians then work closely with clients to design and deploy highly effective, data-driven clinical programs  to deliver value-based healthcare.



Contact: Josh Feldstein, President; E-mail:


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